
Sizzling Black Pepper Beef

  • Difficulty Level: 2
  • Serves Serves: 2
  • Preparation


  • Cooking


What You Will Need

Made with
Lee Kum Kee products

How to make it

  1. Slice the ribeye steak into thick strips. Marinate with 1 Tbsp. of Lee Kum Kee Panda Brand Green Label Oyster Flavored Sauce, 1 tsp. of Lee Kum Kee Black Peppercorn Grinder, 1 Tbsp. of cooking wine, and 1 Tbsp. of cooking oil for about 30 minutes. Next, mix evenly with onions and minced garlic.
  2. Add plain water and corn starch to the remaining seasoning and mix well.
  3. Heat up a hot plate, pour in 1 Tbsp. of cooking oil, and lay out the marinated beef on the hot plate. Pan-fry the beef on high fire until it becomes about medium and golden brown in color. Pour in the mixture and stir-fry it with the beef.